The town of Brzeziny is located in the Łódź District. It was occupied by the Wehrmacht on September 8–9, 1939, annexed to the Reich, and became part of the Reichsgau Wartheland (Warthegau), governed by SS-Obergruppenführer, Arthur Greiser.[1]
The town was renamed Löwenstadt, and its street names were Germanized. A ghetto was established there on April 28, 1940. By the end of that year, some 6,000 Jews lived in the ghetto, about a quarter of whom were refugees from nearby villages and towns. The ghetto was surrounded by a fence, and from the beginning of 1942, the situation inside began to deteriorate. Residents suffered from severe hunger, and there was a typhus outbreak.
During this period, rumors of a coming deportation began to spread. Preparation for the liquidation of the ghetto commenced in April, 1942. The Judenrat (Jewish Council) was ordered by the German authorities to produce an accurate list of all the ghetto residents. In her testimony, survivor Lilian Sulkovitz, recalled that all the Jews were brought before a committee of German doctors, who marked their chests with the letter "A"—to designate those healthy and fit for work—or "B," to designate the sick and elderly.[2]...