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Transport from Warta, Ghetto, Poland to Lodz, Ghetto, Poland on 24/08/1942

Departure Date 24/08/1942 Arrival Date 25/08/1942
Bernardine Monastery, 9 Klasztorna Street, Warta
Sieradz Rail Station, 9 Kolejowa Street, Sieradz
Cattle Cars
At the outbreak of the war, approximately 1,580 Jews lived in Warta, a town in the county of Sieradz (Schieratz). The Jewish community comprised some 35 percent of the town's population.

The German army entered Warta in early September, 1939. The Jewish community was threatened with deportation and homes were looted; in February 1940 the Germans established a ghetto, forcing Warta’s Jews and fifty Jewish families from Kalisz, Błaszki, and Stawiszyn into an area measuring roughly 200 meters by 250 meters. ...
Sonia Klinger - deported from Warta to Łódź on 24/08/1942
Itta Warshavchik - deported from Warta to Łódź on 24/08/1942
Minia Jay - deported from Warta to Łódź on 24/08/1942