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Transport from Rychwal, Konin, Lodz, Poland to Grodziec, Konin, Lodz, Poland on 11/1939

Departure Date 11/1939 Arrival Date 11/1939
In the winter of 1939, many gendarmerie suddenly entered the town of Rychwał (Reichwald). They ordered all the local Jews to leave their homes within a few hours and to go to the villages of Grodziec (Großdorf) and Królików, six to nine kilometers away from Rychwał. Most of the Jews (about 300-350) were deported and brutally beaten by the gendarmerie, and only a few managed to save some of their possessions. During the war, information about this reached the Warsaw ghetto underground archival group Oneg Shabbat, headed by Dr. Emanuel Ringelblum.
Lana Obar, a survivor of this deportation, testified in 1997 that the Jews were told to gather in one place and were permitted to take with them fifteen kilos of luggage. However, out of fear, they took unnecessary things. Obar was deported with her family. Her father did not have enough time to sell his business or their house, and they left all their possessions behind. She added that the non-Jewish local residents were not deported with them, but watched what was happening and did nothing.
The deportees marched for some hours. After reaching Grodziec and Krolikow, three families of deportees were placed in the homes of each of the local families – most probably Jewish families....
  • ZIH, WARSAW AR.1.896 copy YVA M.10 / 896
    No. of transports at the event : 1
    No. of deportees at departure : min: 300, max: 350
    No. of deportees upon arrival : min: 300, max: 350
    Date of Departure : 11/1939
    Date of Arrival : 11/1939