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Transport III from Lodz, Ghetto, Poland to Chelmno, Extermination Camp, Poland on 18/01/1942

Departure Date 18/01/1942 Arrival Date 19/01/1942
7 Szklana street, Łódź
Marysin, Łódź
School compound, 25 Młynarska street, Łódź
Marched by foot
Radegast railway station
Passenger train
Kolo, train station
Synagogue in Kolo, on street corner Nowy Rynek and Kuśnierska, Poland
Marched by foot
Synagogue in Kolo, on street corner Nowy Rynek and Kuśnierska, Poland
Kolo, train station
Marched by foot
Chelmno,Extermination Camp,Poland
The chronicle of the Lodz ghetto (entry No. 6) noted that, from January 9, 1942 onwards, the Deportation Commission had delivered the first 2,000 deportation orders. The addressees were Jews under arrest in the ghetto prison, and their families; Jews originally from Włocławek and vicinity, who had arrived in the ghetto during October 1941; relatives of those who had been sent to forced labor in Germany; prostitutes; and others. Some ghetto inhabitants volunteered for the transport, due to extreme hunger.
It is not clear how much was known about the destination of the deportations in January, which turned out to be the Chełmno extermination camp, some 60 kilometers northwest of the Lodz ghetto.
The deportees were ordered to assemble 2-3 days before their deportation at 7 Szklana Street (Trödlergasse), near the central prison of the ghetto; in Marysin, the agricultural area of the ghetto, where many youth and children lived; or in the school at 25 Młynarska Street (Mühlgasse). Whoever assisted deportees in hiding was also threatened with deportation. From the assembly points, the Jews were taken northeast through the ghetto to the Radegast train station....
    No. of transports at the event : 1
    No. of deportees at departure : min: 701, max: 702
    No. of deportees upon arrival : min: 701, max: 702
    Date of Departure : 18/01/1942
    Date of Arrival : 19/01/1942