Transport from Dobra,Ghetto,Poland to Kowale Panskie,Ghetto,Poland on 10/1941
Transport from Dobra, Ghetto, Poland to Kowale Panskie, Ghetto, Poland on 10/1941
Departure Date 10/1941 Arrival Date 10/1941
Horse-drawn wagons
Marched by foot
Kowale Panskie,Ghetto,Poland
In October 1941, the Dobra ghetto was dissolved, and the entire Jewish population was deported some 5 km east to the Kowale Pańskie ghetto. Among the deportees was also the last rabbi of Dobra, Dov Ber Issachar.
According to S. Wojciechowski, a Polish eyewitness from Dobra, during the liquidation of the Dobra ghetto, German gendarmes and SS men killed some Jews alongside the church. The deportees were marched in long columns, four in each row, through Dobra, guarded by SS men. During the march, claimed Wojciechowski, some deportees tried to escape. The elderly, the children, and part of their belongings, especially workshop tools, were transported on horse-drawn wagons, provided by Polish peasants.
In the ghetto of Kowale Pańskie, the deportees had to share a room in a peasant's hut, without any heating. Some deportees had to reside in stables, barns and other unheated wooden sheds....