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Transport from Uniejow, Ghetto, Poland to Kowale Panskie, Ghetto, Poland on 02/10/1941

Departure Date 02/10/1941 Arrival Date 02/10/1941
Horse-drawn wagons
Kowale Panskie,Ghetto,Poland
On Yom Kippur (Jewish Day of Atonement), on October 2, 1941, the Jews from Uniejów were deported some 20 km west to Kowale Pańskie, most of them to Dzierżbotki, one of the villages included in the ghetto.
Jakub Waldman recalled the deportation of his family from the Uniejów ghetto:
"We did not even manage to settle in [the ghetto] when again we received an order from the Kreis [Nazi administration] that all the cities have to become 'judenrein' [free of Jews]. The next morning the carts were already waiting near the Jewish houses. We loaded our things and we left. Whoever has not gone through this cannot imagine the agony and despair of the women, because there were no men left in our town [after the young Jewish men had been deported to forced-labor camps around the region of Poznan in 1941]. My family was one of the luckiest ones, because we still had two men left. So I had to help pack the belongings of dozens of families. The carts [horse-drawn wagons] left for the village of Dzierżbotki in the Gmina [district] of Kowale Pańskie, where there was supposedly a ghetto for the Jews. Everyone, with the remainder of their belongings, was standing under the blue sky. Some walked to the barns, fearful, trembling and scared. To fight the cold, the deportees built huts or dug holes in the ground."...
Jacob Bresler - deported from Uniejow to Kowale Pańskie in October 1941
Josef Kiersz - deported from Uniejow to Kowale Pańskie in October 1941