Transport from Kolo,Ghetto,Poland to Chelmno,Extermination Camp,Poland on 05/12/1941
Transport from Kolo, Ghetto, Poland to Chelmno, Extermination Camp, Poland on 05/12/1941
Departure Date 05/12/1941 Arrival Date 10/12/1941
Chelmno,Extermination Camp,Poland
There are conflicting reports about the exact date of departure of a transport of able-bodied men to Chełmno, but apparently between December 5 and 7, 1941, the German authorities dispatched this transport – shortly prior to the deportation of Koło's remaining Jewish community to the extermination camp.
In 1942, Uszer Taube from Kłodawa (in German: Tonningen), who had escaped with his family the roundup for the deportation to Chełmno of the town's Jewish population, gave an account to Hersz Wasser from the Warsaw Ghetto "Oneg Shabbat" underground archive, headed by Emanuel Ringelblum. According to his testimony, members of the Lange-Sonderkommando entered Koło town, forced 30 Jewish men into a truck, and then drove off.
Michał Podchlebnik from Koło, who succeeded to escape from Chełmno on January 13, 1942, recounted the following to Hersz Wasser:...