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Transport from Bugaj, Ghetto, Poland to Chelmno, Extermination Camp, Poland on 13/01/1942

Departure Date 13/01/1942 Arrival Date 13/01/1942
Chelmno,Extermination Camp,Poland
In early January 1942, the German authorities began to dismantle the Bugaj and Nowiny Brdowskie Ghetto, which had been set up in October 1940 and renamed in German "Jüdische Kolonie Bugitten und Neuhagen". Approximately 16 kilometers north of Koło town, some 800 Jewish men, women, and children resided in the ghetto. On January 6 and 9, 1942, some able-bodied men were deported to Chełmno, some 30 kilometers south, for forced labor. Subsequently, on January 13, all inhabitants of the ghetto were deported to Chełmno. The deportees were told that they would be resettled "to the East" and that they had to pay four Reichsmark per person for the travel costs – a common practice enforced by the German authorities on the Jewish deportees from Landkreis Koło before being transported to the annihilation camp. ...
    No. of transports at the event : 1
    No. of deportees at departure : min: 600, max: 800
    No. of deportees upon arrival : min: 600, max: 800
    Date of Departure : 13/01/1942
    Date of Arrival : 13/01/1942