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Transport from Beuthen, Beuthen O. S. (Oppeln), Silesia (Upper), Germany to unstated place on 29/06/1942

Departure Date 29/06/1942
The tenth and last transport from Beuthen allegedly went on June 29 to Bielsko, as indicated in the handwritten note under the heading "Liste 10" ("ab Bielitz"). The Gestapo entry specifies that 105 Jews from 10 so-called Jew Houses in Beuthen were deported (Friedrich-Wilhelm-Ring 6, 8, and 17, Gartenstraße 20, Krakauerstraße 44, Poststraße 56, Ritterstraße 2 and 3, Tarnowitzerstraße 3, and Wallstraße 25). Bielsko, a small industrial town with an ethnic German majority (more than 80%) and an important Jewish population of approximatively 5,000, mainly German speaking Jews in 1939 is about 80 km south-east of Beuthen and 30 km south of Auschwitz. The ghetto that the Germans established in the summer of 1940 was liquidated in June 1942. The Auschwitz Chronicle does not record any arrival of Jews from Bielsko or any transport from Upper Silesian towns on June 29 or on the following days. According to the historian and leading Auschwitz expert Robert Jan van Pelt, there is "relatively reliable information, based on records kept by the camp resistance movement, about the number of regular transports with Polish Jews (except those from Lodz) that arrived in Auschwitz between May 5, 1942 and August 18, 1944. These 142 regular transports averaged some 1,500 people each; three had as many as 5,000 people (June 1942 from Bielsko-Biala) ...." However, there are no known testimonies or official documents confirming that such a transport indeed arrived. A group of 43 Jews from Gleiwitz were deported the same day. It is likely that they were deported together, possibly with other Jews from Upper Silesian cities.
The further destiny of the Beuthen Jews deported on June 29 is not known. Apparently nobody survived.
    No. of transports at the event : 1
    No. of deportees at departure : 105
    No. of deportees upon arrival : 105
    Date of Departure : 29/06/1942