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Transport from Beuthen, Beuthen O. S. (Oppeln), Silesia (Upper), Germany to unstated place on 20/05/1942

Departure Date 20/05/1942
The fourth transport from Beuthen allegedly went on May 20 to Sosnowiec, as indicated in the handwritten note under the heading "Liste 4" ("ab Sosnowitz"). The Gestapo entry specifies that 97 Jews from 13 so-called Jew Houses in Beuthen were deported (from Krakauerstraße 1 and 44, Poststraße 32 and 56, Schneiderstraße 1, Bismarckstraße 72, Friedrich-Wilhelm-Ring 6 and 11, Tarnowitzerstraße 3, Baeckerstraße 2, Kasernenstraße 4, Hohenzollernstraße 14 and Solgerstraße 23). They were probably brought to Sosnowiec by several trucks. They might have travelled as well by train via Gleiwitz where they could have collected the146 deportees from this neighboring town who were deported on the same day.
Frieda (also Fredka or Frydka) Mazia née Oksenhendler (born on August 25, 1925) testified on January 22, 1980, in Yad Vashem that she witnessed several transports with German Jews who were brought to Sosnowiec before they were deported further. She specified as follows:
"Then the transports with German Jews who were sent through our city kicked off. I am not sure if we knew at the time whether these Jews were from Austria or from Germany but they were different types of people, not so-called Ostjuden. They travelled in passenger cars not in freight cars. They were neatly dressed and they had suitcases showing their names and addresses. Their train was nonetheless halted, at the same location, very close to the Three Emperors' Corner. Several times we were allowed to board the train and hand out drinks as well as sandwiches. At the time I worked as a nurse in the city's hospital. In case of emergency, a team of nurses together with a physician received special permission to provide first-aid in the trains. We decided to tell these Jews that they should seize any opportunity to escape, to jump from the train, to do anything else then reaching the point of destination. However, we saw that in their eyes we were people with a wanton imagination, precisely Ostjuden who have all 'kind of thoughts'. We realized that our words fell on deaf ears. … We, meaning, the Jewish and Zionist Underground Movement started to think, that it is our duty to directly pass on the information … that the so-called 'Umsiedlung' was no resettlement at all. We wanted to warn the people in the ghettos of Sosnowiec, Bedzin, Dombrowa and Zawierce and to make it known what to expect."...
    No. of transports at the event : 1
    No. of deportees at departure : 97
    No. of deportees upon arrival : 97
    Date of Departure : 20/05/1942