Transport from Pithiviers,Camp,France to Drancy,Camp,France on 25/08/1942
Transport from Pithiviers, Camp, France to Drancy, Camp, France on 25/08/1942
Departure Date 25/08/1942 Arrival Date 25/08/1942
Pithiviers train station, Loiret, France
Freight Train
On August 25 a transport was formed at the Pithiviers camp with a total of 787 Jews, the vast majority of whom were children. They were placed in freight cars. The train was provided by the SNCF (Société nationale des chemins de fer français, French National Railway Company), 363 Jews had been transferred from the Beaune-la-Rolande camp in order to fill the transport. The surveillance of the train was assured by the Loiret Gendarmerie. Following the departure of this transport, the Prefect of Loiret indicated that only very few children or “non-transportable” Jews remained in the camps.
The deportees arrived at the Drancy camp on the same day. 360 were deported to Auschwitz the following day and the others were deported on August 28.