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Transport from Thasos, Kavalla, Macedonia, Greece to Treblinka, Extermination Camp, Poland on 04/03/1943

Departure Date 04/03/1943
Saloniki commercial tobacco warehouse in Kavala, Greece
Monopol tobacco warehouse in Drama, Greece
Train Station in Drama
train station in Sidirokastro
train station in Simitli
Anton Raynov's Tobacco Warehouse, Gorna Dzhumaya
Junior High school, Gorna Dzhumaya
School of Economics in Gorna Dyhumya
Train Station in Gorna Dyhumaya
Treblinka,Extermination Camp,Poland
Unlike places with large numbers of Jews, in Eleftheroupoli and Thasos the Jews were arrested only by the local police. Sixteen Jews resided in Thasos and five in Eleftheroupoli. They were immediately sent to Kavala and detained together with the local Jews in a tobacco warehouse belonging to the Comercial Company of Saloniki. Upon arrival, they were searched for money and valuables. Everything found on them was confiscated by the authorities.
The deportees stayed at the assembly site for several days before they were transported by truck to the nearest city with a train connection – Drama. They were then sent to another assembly site in Bulgaria – in the southern city of Gorna Dzhumaya. The journey was long and there were two train transfers on the way – in Sidirokastro and in Simitli – because of changes in the track gauges. The last piece of information we have refers only to the Jews from Eleftheroupoli. On March 10 those arrested during the general operation and seven others who were found later passed through the Simitli train station. There is nothing in the sources regarding the deportees from Thasos who were also sent to Gorna Dzumaya.
After almost ten days detention in a local tobacco warehouse and two school buildings in the city, the Jews from Northern Greece were sent to the port of Lom on the Danube River. From there, more than 4,000 Jews were loaded onto 4 ships and sent to their deaths in Treblinka. There is no information about the last stage of their journey to the camp except for the fact that they were transferred from the ships to trains in Vienna....
    No. of transports at the event : 1
    No. of deportees at departure : 16
    No. of deportees upon arrival : 16
    Date of Departure : 04/03/1943