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Transport from Serres, Serrai, Macedonia, Greece to Treblinka, Extermination Camp, Poland on 05/03/1943

Departure Date 05/03/1943
Maroulis Tobacco Warehouse in Seres
Train Station Seres
train station in Sidirokastro
train station in Simitli
Anton Raynov's Tobacco Warehouse, Gorna Dzhumaya
Junior High school, Gorna Dzhumaya
School of Economics in Gorna Dyhumya
Train Station in Gorna Dyhumaya
Treblinka,Extermination Camp,Poland
The operation for apprehending the Jews of Seres (numbering almost 500 people) began at 2 am on March 4. The entire city was encircled by Bulgarian army forces in order to prevent escape. Eighty teams consisting of three policemen and gendarmes each were engaged in rounding up all the Jews, sealing their houses, and assembling them in one building in the city. The Jews were allowed to bring up to 40 kilograms of luggage and were directed to bring all their money and valuables. The assembly camp where the Jews were held until their transportation from Seres was set up in the tobacco warehouse, a four story building in the eastern part of the town belonging to a local merchant (Maroulis). Another tobacco warehouse was emptied in order to store furniture and household goods that were confiscated from Jewish homes....
  • Tzentralen Darzhaven Arhiv, Sofia, Bulgaria 1568/1/9071 copy YVA M.67 / 168
  • Tzentralen Darzhaven Arhiv, Sofia, Bulgaria 190/1/394 copy YVA M.67 / JM.11242
  • Tzentralen Darzhaven Arhiv, Sofia, Bulgaria 190/1/394 copy YVA M.67 / JM.11242.1
  • Tzentralen Darzhaven Arhiv, Sofia, Bulgaria 190-1-8541 copy YVA M.67 / JM.11243
  • Tzentralen Darzhaven Arhiv, Sofia, Bulgaria 190-1-8545 copy YVA M.67 / JM.11243
  • Tzentralen Darzhaven Arhiv, Sofia, Bulgaria 190-1-8546 copy YVA M.67 / JM.11243
  • Tzentralen Darzhaven Arhiv, Sofia, Bulgaria 190k/1/8541 copy YVA M.67 /
  • Tzentralen Darzhaven Arhiv, Sofia, Bulgaria 190k/1/8541 copy YVA M.67 / JM.11243
  • Tzentralen Darzhaven Arhiv, Sofia, Bulgaria 190k/1/8542 copy YVA M.67 / JM.11243
  • Tzentralen Darzhaven Arhiv, Sofia, Bulgaria 190k/1/8544 copy YVA M.67 / להזמנת התיק ראו קוד מיקרופילם
  • Tzentralen Darzhaven Arhiv, Sofia, Bulgaria 190k/1/8545 copy YVA M.67 /
  • Tzentralen Darzhaven Arhiv, Sofia, Bulgaria חטיבנ 190, רשימה 1, תיק 8546 copy YVA M.67 / להזמנת התיק ראו קוד מיקרופילם
    No. of transports at the event : 1
    No. of deportees at departure : 471
    No. of deportees upon arrival : 470
    Date of Departure : 05/03/1943