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Transport from Hamburg, Hansestadt Hamburg (Hamburg), Hansa City of Hamburg, Germany to Auschwitz Birkenau, Extermination Camp, Poland on 11/07/1942

Departure Date 11/07/1942 Arrival Date 14/07/1942
Very little is known about this transport. It was the first deportation after a calm hiatus that had lasted for more than 7 months. The transport left Hamburg on July 11, 1942 and was significantly smaller than those that had left in the fall and winter of 1941. The Gestapo diverted from the modus operandi during the four preceding deportations to the East and used the Jewish community center in Hartungstraße 9/11 as the assembly site. This change was most likely due to the smaller number of deportees.
It can be assumed that the usual guidelines were followed, which allowed the deportees to bring 50 kg of luggage and 50 Reichsmarks. They had to fill out a detailed inventory of their property and deliver their apartment keys to the nearest police station before reporting to the assembly site. Upon arrival, the Jews had to hand over the declaration of assets and all of their remaining money (including the afore-mentioned 50 Reichsmarks). Their luggage was searched for valuables, papers were invalidated, and they were interned. Out of those selected for deportation, 22 people chose suicide over suffering and subsequent murder. They were replaced by Jews from a reserve list.
On July 11, the deportees were transferred to the Hannoversche Bahnhof in the vicinity of the harbour, which at the time was chiefly used as a cargo station and served as the departure point for all transports from Hamburg....
    No. of transports at the event : 1
    No. of deportees at departure : 295
    No. of deportees upon arrival : 386
    Date of Departure : 11/07/1942
    Date of Arrival : 14/07/1942